Thank you for choosing iDeal Pest Control.

Please review our 2025 Preventive Pest Control agreement. Please select service that you wish to receive for 2025. Once selection(s) and payment method is decided please sign. You will receive a copy via email for your records. Thank you!

Ideal Pest Control & Window Cleaning, LLC 711 East Twinsburg Rd Unit #8, Northfield Center OH 44067
Pest Control: 330-468-6030 Window Cleaning: 330-468-0468

Ideal Pest Control & Window Cleaning, LLC
Pest Control : 234-802-4266 Window Cleaning : 330-468-0468 www.GoIdealWindowCleaning.comĀ 

    Please check box below on service you wish to receive for 2025

    365 Protection Plan

    (3) Scheduled exterior visits per year. Three exterior services consist of (1) Ideal Structural Power Spray and (2) Perimeter Sprays. Unlimited callbacks on interior and exterior. Mice are included. Two options of payment. Prepay $420 + TAX OR (3) installments of $160.00 + TAX. Installment invoice(s) will be billed to card on file upon completion of service. Estimated savings on Prepay is an average of $48.03. Excluding Add-On Fall Structural Power Spray. May 1st Prepay Deadline. $40.00 + Tax will be chargeable for any active nest pre- Treatment. Note: Windows can be be effected/outlined on 1st round, Ideal Structural Power Spray

    Ideal Structural Power Spray

    House, decks, play-sets, sheds and entire property completely covered on all stinging insects for the year. Two options of payment. Prepay $155.00 + Tax OR $170.00 + Tax billed to card on file upon completion of service. Estimated savings on Prepay is an avg. Of $17.48. May 1st Prepay Deadline. $40.00 + Tax will be chargeable for any active nest pre- Treatment. Note: Windows can be be effected/outlined on this service.

    Structural Power Spray

    House ONLY (DECKING NOT COVERED) will be covered on all stinging insects. Two options of payment. Prepay 130.00 + Tax OR $145.00 + Tax billed to card on file upon completion of service. May 1st Prepay Deadline. $40.00 + tax will be charged for any active nest pre-treatment. Any treatment excluding house on stinging insects will be subject to a $75.00 + tax service charge. Note: Windows can be be effected/outlined on this service


    365 Protection Plan, Ideal Structural Power Spray and Structural Power Spray customers CAN receive Fall Structural Power Spray. ADD-ON service is a Fall Structural Spray service that is designed to help control/eliminate Stink Bugs, Asian Beetles and Box-elder Bugs. ADD-ON service performed in in fall season for a $115.00 plus tax. Note: Windows can be be effected/outlined on this service. Prepayment or billed to card on file upon completion of service.

    Mosquito Service

    Mosquito backpack fogger service. Your mosquito service will be performed by your technician that will target shrubs, plants, wooded tree lines/brush lines and any foliage where mosquitos like to hide from daytime sun. It kills mosquitos, fleas and ticks on contact. Seasonal 6 month service (April-September) $300.00 + TAX. Single service available for $68.

    PLEASE NOTE: Though this is not a contract, no services can and will be performed without retrieval of this agreement. Per State Guidelines.

    ALL services are subject to local sales tax. Local sales tax: Portage 7%, Summit 6.75%, Cuyahoga 8.00%, Medina 6.75%, Geauga 6.75%, Lake 7.25%, Wayne 6.50%

    Please choose your county (for proper tax calculation)

    Ideal Pest Control, LLC. will provide pest control services as described above to the above address. Services will be scheduled at the time appropriate for the indicated service unless a regular appointment is required by the nature of the service or requested by the customer. Ideal Structural Spray and Structural Spray is a Spring service. Weather / Wind / Rain / Freezing Temps will effect scheduling and service. Unlimited callbacks are defined as no limit to the number of return visits for pests included in the 365 Protection Plan. Pests not included in 365 Protections Plan: Fleas, Termites, Flies, Mosquitoes, Stinkbugs, Asian Beetles, Powder Post Beetles and Box-elders. 365 Protection Plan coverage starts January 1, 2025

    Payment Method:
    CheckCredit Card (Prepayment / Installment)


    Please provide your digital signature.

    When done, please click the finish and upload button below. Upon successful completion, you will see a message that it has been successful. If you do not see that message, please check your form for anything missing and please try again.