Structural Spray is the “first” round of our 365 Protection Plan. Structural Sprays are designed to deter and eliminate stinging insects from nesting on home and structures.
Structural Spray, designed and warrantied for stinging insects, but also very effective for crawling and moisture driven insects. Structural Spray services start as soon as winter weather breaks. Typically April-May. Stuctural Spray warranties your HOUSE ONLY for the year for stinging insects. Structural Spray outlines your home and treats cracks and crevices. Peaks, eves, soffits, shutters, doors, windows, corner posts, fascia boards, gables, etc….. Spotting can occur on windows, you may remove once product is dry.
iDeal Structural Spray, designed and warrantied for stinging insects, but also very effective for crawling and moisture driven insects. iDeal Structural Spray services start as soon as winter weather breaks. Typically April-May. iDeal Stuctural Spray warranties your house, decking, shed and your entire grounds for the year for stinging insects. iDeal Structural Spray outlines your home, decking and shed and along with all cracks and crevices. Peaks, eves, soffits, shutters, doors, windows, corner posts, fascia boards, gables, etc….. Spotting can occur on windows, you may remove once product is dry.